FPE (Federal Pacific Electric) Circuit Breakers

The FPE’s were widely used between 1950 – 1990 and are considered problematic. The Consumer Product Safety Commission conducted an investigation and found the panels did not fully comply with the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc requirements. The investigation was closed in 1983, the Consumer Product Safety Commission reported they did not have enough date to considerContinue reading “FPE (Federal Pacific Electric) Circuit Breakers”

Main Shut Offs

Do you know where your main water shut off valve is located? Most people are unaware and if a water leak or pipe burst would have to relay on a neighbor/friend, a family member and or a plumper. Owning a home comes with responsibility and in an emergency it’s important to know where stuff isContinue reading “Main Shut Offs”

Now That…

Have you received my, “Now That You’ve Had A Home Inspection” Book? I make sure I provide one for every client! Its a great book to have, it helps explain a home inspection, what we look at & components we inspect. It also helps explain all the parts, functions & reasons why something is thatContinue reading “Now That…”